Survey Results from Sherborne U3A Event March 2023
Survey Results from Sherborne U3A Event March 2023
Paper copies of the following survey and pens were given to all 58 attendees. 35 copies were returned.
Results of Survey
Have you ever been a victim of crime or anti-social behaviour?
Slightly more said Yes than said No.
Do you think victims should be offered Restorative Justice (RJ)?
The majority said Yes.
If you were a victim, would you consider taking part in RJ?
Almost half were uncertain.
Of the rest there were slightly more Yes than No answers
What if anything would you like to change about the local provision of RJ?
More publicity needed
More awareness of this organisation.
More advertising within local magazines ie chatterbox or schools etc
Want a telephone number. Not everyone older is online.
Don’t know how to contact them. Only get crime number from police and no information of how investigation is proceeding.
Not suitable if the offender is not caught even if you have a case number.
I don’t know enough about it to make suggestions.
How much did you know about RJ before you attended this event?
A large majority had known nothing about it.
Your age?
All were over 60
Your gender?
88.6% were female
Do you have a relevant story you would like to tell us?
Nobody did.
Survey Results from Sherborne U3A Event March 2023 — No Comments
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