Questions to Strategic Policing and Crime Board
At a meeting of the West Midlands Strategic Policing and Crime Board, Philip Brown asked the following questions on behalf of the Coventry Restorative Justice Forum.
A video of the questions and answers can be found here.
A webcast of the full meeting of the Board can be found here.
A library of all webcasts by the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner can be found here.
Question 1
What is the current state of the search for a provider to deliver restorative justice in the West Midlands?
We are still going through the formal process and we anticipate that the successful provider for the West Midlands service will be announced in the next few weeks. Once there has been an announcement, there will be a launch of the service and we will be looking to work with all our partners in the delivery of this new, and important service.
Question 2
Would Mr Jamieson and other members of the Board consider attending a restorative justice conference to be held in Coventry on 14 November organised by the Coventry Restorative Justice Forum?
Yes the Commissioner and members of the Board would be happy to attend the RJ Conference in November. The Commissioner is very supportive of Restorative Justice and recognises the impact that effective Restorative Justice has on victims of crime.
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